Inside our Follicular Blend

During the first half of our cycle, we want to help our body replenish the nutrients lost during our period (such as iron, zinc, and B12). We also want to facilitate healthy estrogen metabolism, support our thyroid, and supply key nutrients and fatty acids that help our body build hormones in the first place.

High levels of zinc and magnesium in pumpkin seeds have been shown to alleviate PMS symptoms. Flax seeds are high in fiber and “lignans,” which helps metabolize and eliminate excess estrogen from our system to keep us in balance. And the iodine in kelp helps support our thyroid function.

  • A small wooden bowl filled with pumpkin seeds, on a white background with seeds scattered around it.

    Pumpkin Seeds

    Extra rich in magnesium and zinc, both of which have been shown to alleviate PMS symptoms from cramping to menstrual migraines.

  • A small wooden bowl filled with flax seeds, on a white background with seeds scattered around it.

    Flax Seeds

    Sometimes our cycle is thrown off by excess or toxic estrogens in our environment. Flax seeds are packed with lignans, which cling onto these bad guys and can help eliminate them. They are also FULL of fiber, which helps keep digestion smooth.

  • A small wooden bowl filled with nettle leaf, on a white background with leaves scattered around it.

    Dried Nettle Tea

    During and after our periods, our body is looking to rebuild nutrients from blood loss. Nettle leaf is full of iron, which helps us replenish and supports our thyroid. They also contain B vitamins that are critical to our energy levels.

  • A small wooden bowl filled with sea kelp, on a white background with kelp fragments scattered around it.

    Sea Kelp

    Kelp is among the richest natural sources of iodine, which is another mineral critical to normalizing our thyroid function and facilitating ovulation. We source high quality kelp harvested in California and has been extensively tested for heavy metals and pesticides.

  • A small wooden bowl filled with garlic and onion granules, on a white background with granules scattered around it.

    Dried Garlic & Onion

    Garlic and onion are full of vitamins and antioxidants, but we're not going to lie... they also just taste really good. Fully traceable, clean and full of flavor.

  • A small wooden bowl filled with sea salt, on a white background with salt scattered around it.

    Sea Salt

    We sampled sea salt from all over the world and landed on this flaky and delicious variety. Sea salt is full of minerals like potassium, iron and calcium, and we all know that no meal is complete without it.

Inside our Luteal Blend

During this second half of our cycle, we might feel PMS symptoms start to creep in as our hormone levels drop. We want to focus on keeping our blood sugar steady and eating foods that aid digestion and support our liver in processing these hormones.

Sunflower seeds are high in vitamin E, helping us boost progesterone levels, and selenium, which supports our liver. Sesame seeds have been shown to lower inflammation and are high in micronutrients like magnesium, vitamin B1 and B6. Rosemary helps support detoxification, while fennel and fenugreek aid digestion and keep things movin’ (when a rise in progesterone during this phase can slow things down).

  • A small wooden bowl filled with sunflower seeds, on a white background with seeds scattered around it.

    Sunflower Seeds

    Extra rich in magnesium and zinc, both of which have been shown to alleviate PMS symptoms from cramping to menstrual migraines.

  • A small wooden bowl filled with sesame seeds, on a white background with seeds scattered around it.

    Sesame Seeds

    These little guys are full of magnesium, vitamin B1, B6 and zinc. They help us modulate inflammation and metabolize cholesterol. They are also high in lignans to modulate estrogen and progesterone levels.

  • A small wooden bowl filled with rosemary leaf, on a white background with leaves scattered around it.


    Not only does it taste DELICIOUS, rosemary also contains a strong antioxidant called carnosol that has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Additionally, rosemary activates detoxification pathways, helping to restore balance to our hormone levels.

  • A small wooden bowl filled with fenugreek seeds, on a white background with seeds scattered around it.

    Fenugreek Seeds

    Fenugreek seeds are often used in India as a magic little "digestion aid" in curries. These seeds also contain the good kind of phytoestrogens, which are compounds that act like the hormone estrogen and can help to regulate ovulation in our bodies.

  • A small wooden bowl filled with fennel seeds, on a white background with seeds scattered around it.

    Fennel Seeds

    Fennel has been used for centuries to improve digestion and decrease gas and bloating. These seeds have also been shown to reduce menstrual discomfort and duration. We add them to our luteal blends for all of these reasons and to add a slightly sweet taste.

  • A small wooden bowl filled with garlic and onion granules, on a white background with granules scattered around it.

    Dried Garlic & Onion

    Garlic and onion are full of vitamins and antioxidants, but we're not going to lie... they also just taste really good. We source THE BEST garlic and onion from right here in California! Fully traceable, clean and full of flavor.

  • A small wooden bowl filled with caraway seeds, on a white background with seeds scattered around it.

    Caraway Seeds

    Caraway seeds provide phytoestrogens that mimic estrogen, essential fatty acids that aid hormone production, and minerals like magnesium and zinc help alleviate menstrual discomfort.

  • A small wooden bowl filled with sea salt, on a white background with salt scattered around it.

    Sea Salt

    We sampled sea salt from all over and landed on this flaky and delicious variety. Sea salt is full of minerals like potassium, iron and calcium, and we all know that no meal is complete without it.

  • A small wooden bowl filled with poppy seeds, on a white background with seeds scattered around it.

    Poppy Seeds

    Poppy seeds contain essential fatty acids that are crucial for the production and balance of hormones in the body. They are also a good source of magnesium, a mineral helps regulate cortisol.